. entrevistar proteínas
   . toxicodependência

9. A Bertorello (Depart. Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm): Cytoskeletal regulation of ion transport proteins.
10. K Starke (Inst. Pharmacology, University of Freiburg): Cotransmission noradrenaline/ATP.
11. V Gieselman (Inst. Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine of Kiel): Genetics of metachromatic leukodystrophy.
12. O Almeida (Max Planck Institut, Munich): The brain as a target of steroid hormones, exemplified by neuropeptides.
13. J C McGrath (University of Glasgow): Fluorescent pharmacology.
14. A Hassan (Max Planck Institut, Munich): Role of apoptosis in corticosteroid-induced hippocampal neuronal death as evaluated by the TUNEL method.
15. F Cervero (Faculdade de edicina da Universidade de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid): Neurophysiological mechanisms of hyperalgesia and allodynia.
16. M Gil Ribeiro (Unidade de Enzimologia do IGMJM): Gangliosidoses GM2 na população portuguesa: caracterização bioquímica e molecular.
17. M J Teixeira (Serviço de Neurologia do Instituto Português de Oncologia-Direcção Regional do Norte): Complicações do sarcoma de Ewing sobre o sistema nervoso central.